We’ve all really settled into camp life now. Not surprisingly, there was a lot less noise after lights out last night – everyone was much more tired! After breakfast, everyone was ready for their English classes.

After lunch, it was time for our first day of activities. The horse riders had a wonderful time and managed to avoid the threatening storm – there will be photos of them tomorrow!

The Explorers had a calm session to begin with, making bracelets. There were some beautiful designs, and it seemed everyone appreciated a bit of calm time. (I’m writing this as the children run screaming around the house as part of their night game – the energy comes in waves!).

The second activity involved working in teams to find clues and complete challenges. Without a doubt the most fun to photograph (and I think for them to do!) involved a tennis ball, a stocking, and some plastic cups – the photos should speak for themselves!

As much fun as it was to participate, watching was possibly even better – the children couldn’t stop laughing at their friends’ distorted faces inside the stockings, and the silly movements they had to do to try to hit the cups!

Everyone was VERY hungry by dinner time! After vegetable soup to start, everyone still had space for multiple servings of pork loin and potatoes, followed by fresh fruit for dessert. That must be why they have so much energy at the moment!