Day 7 – Paintballing!
During the night, the naughty camp fairies came to give the campers a gentle reminder…

Yes, that’s made with shoes. ALL of their shoes. So first thing this morning, we had some confused children looking for their shoes until they peered down to the patio… They then had fun finding their shoes and untying them!

Once they had all found their shoes, they went out for a dance on the field. They’re getting good!

At breakfast time, we told the children that they would be paintballing today – the reaction was amazing! We put on sun cream and caps, packed a bag, and walked across the fields (a little muddy in places which made the walk more interesting!) until we got to the paintball field.

The campers all showed great maturity this morning, listening carefully to the important instructions given about how to play safely. They took it in turns (we wanted to make sure the big ones weren’t playing against the younger ones – and those masks tire you out quickly!) and those waiting did so very patiently, enjoying watching battles between other teams at the same time.

We came back to camp for lunch, and then the children all practiced their talents ready for the talent show. We could see hula hoops, Rubiks cubes, footballs, chess… all very intriguing!
During the snack time, Dani C took to centre stage and had all of the children (and the adults!) laughing at his antics. We were outside for our snack while the afternoon game was bring prepared…

The game after the snack saw the children working in groups to solve problems, answer questions, remember vocabulary and complete other challenges in order to move across the wonderfully imaginative board full of unusual situations to overcome. It sounds complicated – it was to start with, but once the children got the hang of it, they worked amazingly well in their groups and completed a lot of challenges! The winning group were, again, called The Losers (I think they do this intentionally!) – Illana, Ierin, Jorge, Sofía, Paula and Dani C. They worked together extremely well, really making the most of each team member’s individual strengths and abilities.

After dinner (barbecued meat, which everyone ate a LOT of!), we had the talent show. What an amazingly talented group of students! From Lucía P who solved the Rubiks pyramid while hula hooping, to Olalla and Mirosa’s ballet, to Enol’s gymnastics and Macarena telling a joke while supporting herself on her hands, they all amazed us!
We finished off with some dancing (including some 90s pop for the teachers which we were amazed to find that the students knew too!) and went to bed happy and tired. I don’t know where the time has gone, how it’s already time to say goodbye to some, and hello to some more. Let’s see what next week brings!
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